Ultradwarf Topdressing
Ultradwarf Topdressing
Other Names: Topdressing, Topdressing Sand, Green Sand, USGA Topdressing, Champion Bermuda Topdressing Sand, Miniverde Topdressing Sand, TifEagle Topdressing Sand, Mach 1 Topdressing Sand, TifDwarf Topdressing
Golf Course Greens, Fairways, and Tees; Sports field (Soccer, Football, Baseball/Softball, Lacrosse); Lawn Leveling; Artificial Turf Infill; Lawn Topdressing
Key Benefits
Levels low areas in turf to prevent scalping; Promotes air and water penetration to grass and turf roots; Promotes rapid turf growth and repair; Retains moisture and nutrients, Long lasting silica sand, Ideal infiltration rate
Angular to Sub-angular shape, Particle Size Distribution designed for penetration into ultra-dwarf variety turf without the undesirable very fine sand, silt, and clay, Available as Green Dyed Sand
Ultradwarf Topdressing
Over the years, Georgia’s golf courses have changed, and one of the most evident changes on the courses near Atlanta is the switch from bentgrass greens to varieties of ultradwarf bermudagrasses. RSI was involved with some of the first and top golf courses switching not only the turf but the sand used for topdressing. Light and frequent topdressing became the routine. We even matched our dyed sand to that of the color of Ultra Dwarf bermudagrass (specifically Champion). Kiln dried sand is also an option for those with sand bins or silos, but bulk, damp sand still remains the favorite.
The benefits of our Ultra Dwarf Topdressing Sand are obvious. Topdressing to reduce thatch and dilute organic matter is a must for smooth firm greens and putting surfaces. Sand further helps reduce dry spots and prevents damage from heavy traffic of golfers and equipment.

Selecting a sand for topdressing on more frequent regime for ultradwarf bermudagrass changed many of the past perspectives. The coarser particles typically found within sand that meets USGA recommendations for construction of a green didn’t tend to fall through the turf canopy. We found that a maximum particle size of 1mm was ideal, with the majority of particles within the medium sized sand particles of 0.25 to 0.5 mm. Reducing the very fine particles, <0.15 mm (#100 mesh), further improved the topdressing and its effectiveness. In the end, evaluating current research, speaking with golf course professionals using the sand every week, and utilizing new production techniques for sand led to our development of the perfect UDT Sand for the Atlanta and surrounding market. Recent research diminishes the effect of layering issues by using a finer gradation of the sand than the green was initially constructed with. However, it may be beneficial to utilize our USGA Topdressing Sand along with deep core aeration periodically.

Selecting a color of sand is your next decision. More frequent topdressing typically leads to more frequent questions by golfers. The visual impact of a snowy white application really led to more thoughts. Our white topdressing sand is still an option. However, we produce a tan and various green shades of dyed sand that tend to blend in upon application and go unnoticed by many golfers in light applications. Black dyed sand is also available to aid in faster repair and green up.
Kiln dried versions of ultradwarf topdressing sand is also available, as we have a our own pneumatic tank trailers for delivery into silos or dump trailers for the bin. Again, we found that most golf course superintendents allow our bulk, damp topdressing to dry for a few minutes on the green before brushing/dragging it in. Covering or tarping your sand in the bin can also improve applications as well as contaminants (leaves, sticks, debris, etc.).
Amendments such as compost, compost tea, peat, Profile, humate, fertilizer, lime, bio-char, and fulvic acid are available upon request.

Timing and delivery is another consideration we have for our golf course clients. We know that bin space is limited and often parking limits when a truck can dump a load of sand. We have our own fleet of trucks to accommodate your preferences, and various sizes of dump trucks when you may only need a partial load for a project. Just let us know how we can help make your job on the golf course easier and your golf course look and play better!
RSI is Atlanta’s sand and leading bulk aggregate supplier. Our sands have been used from the old push up greens construction to the elite play of a championship course. RSI supplies all types of Golf Course Sands. RSI produces sand and literally tons of other bulk landscaping supplies and materials for all of Georgia.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about Ultradwarf Topdressing? We have answers!
Topdressing bermuda greens is generally done in light and frequent applications. Many superintendents still follow the practice to topdress with the same sand as the green was built with. Others prefer a sand with the particles all being less than 1mm and the majority from 0.25mm to 0.5mm. The primary issue is getting the oversized sand particles through the turf canopy. Recent USGA research has found that topdressing with a less coarse sand is not an issue and layering will not occur with a different sand. The primary issue is topdressing with sand that contains more than 25% fine particles (0.15 to 0.25mm) which may lead to excessive moisture at the surface of the greens. River Sand has an ideal sand for topdressing miniverde, champion, TifDwarf, or other varieties of bermuda.
Topdressing is the primary method to obtain smooth, firm greens. Light and frequent topdressing is the key with ultradwarf bermuda turf. Light, weekly topdressing 0.01 to 0.02 inches is ideal. Overall, a topdressing application of 2 to 4 times a month during the growing season is expected.
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See what we’ve been saying about
Ultradwarf Topdressing

“As a homeowner, I use River Sand Inc. for all of my lawn topdressing needs. I do my own yard work and have found that River Sand Inc. is extremely affordable, extremely professional and their sand is super clean and perfect for what I need. They made me feel like a big time client even though my orders were relatively small.”
— C. Cooper
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