Having served our clients’ needs for almost two decades, we understand that delivery makes most purchases seem more “worthwhile”. With that in mind we aim to offer prompt and courteous delivery to sites in North Georgia and Metro Atlanta. Our fleet of delivery trucks is composed of a number of vehicles to better serve your needs. We will work with you to arrange a speedy delivery, that fits your schedule, to further enhance your project.
Our delivery service is always reliable, available for any size job and cost effective. We utilize the following trucks in our fleet:
- Single-axle dump truck
- Tandem dump truck
- Spreader Truck – spreads the sand or gravel upon delivery on driveways, arenas, and other areas
- Pnematic Tanker – for transporting dry sand and blowing into silos
- Flatbed Trailers – hauls one-ton bags or super sacks for special projects

Delivery means more than just dumping out Sand, Soil, Gravel, Dirt, or Mulch. It starts with production. River Sand actually makes our products, so we know a lot more about the products than most suppliers. Our team offers you advice and customized products that fit your project’s needs. Our process is simple. You can call us direct to order the product and schedule the delivery to your location. We can offer advise and make sure you get the right sand, soil, or gravel and also the right amount. Our team has helped contractors, landscapers, homeowners, arena managers, golf course superitendents, sport field managers, and even movie producers calculate just how much landscaping materials they need. We are happy to help you too!

Here are some questions prior to delivery we may ask or you may consider when ordering your next load of Sand, Soil, Gravel, Dirt, or Mulch:
- Are there any overhead power lines?
- Are there any overhead trees, limbs, rooflines or other obstacles where you want to dump the sand, soil, or gravel?
- Will the truck drive or dump on concrete or asphalt?
- Is the area level?
- Has it rained or is it going to rain on any off-road dumping locations?
- Is there a septic system or fill lines where the dump truck is going?
- Is your gate wide enough for a dump truck to fit through?
- Will you dump in a bin or parking lot?
- Is the path clear for the dump truck to get to the area?

Heavy Equipment
We have all the equipment from your small landscaping project or larger construction projects. Excavators, dozers, cranes, trucks, and more are all a part of our equipment ready to serve your needs. Call us today at 877-499-SAND to find out more.
Calculate Your Project
Determine how much product you need for your project and submit it to us for a free estimate, including delivery costs.
Dredging projects and In-Field Mix are calculated separately.