Specialized but diverse describes RSI’s niche in the various marketplaces.
Delivering the highest quality products and services in the industry is our primary goal.
River Sand, Inc. offers turn-key dredging services.
Clients often approach us first to determine if a dredging project is feasible and provide an anticipated cost structure for dredging.
We are happy to take a project from start to finish, bid a dredging project to only perform the work, sub-contract a portion of the work, perform a survey, obtain permits, or whatever portion a client may need.

About Us
River Sand Inc. has been committed to providing bulk sand, soil, and gravel to North Georgia and the Greater Atlanta area since 1994. Our clients include contractors, landscapers, ready-mix concrete suppliers, equestrian arenas, sport fields, golf courses and homeowners.
We are North Georgia’s largest supplier of natural river sand and topsoil. Founded by River Sand Inc.’s President, Charles Parker, we remain a local, small business that thrives on our passion for making great sand and soil products and delivering those materials with the best service possible to the folks that turn to us.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you need a lot of sand for a project (more than a ton), it is best to have it delivered on a dump truck. The sand can be dumped on the ground or a small area and will not wash away in the rain. You can save money buying it in bulk.
Masonry sand can be used to level and topdress your grass or lawn. However, Topdressing Sand is specifically designed for this purpose. The difference is that topdressing contains more medium sized particles ideal for relieving compaction of clay soils, reducing thatch, and leveling without the sand shifting. It is also easy to apply and to incorporate into the rootzone. Overall, your turf will benefit more from topdressing sand than masonry sand for about the same cost.
River Sand can be used for constructing beaches. However, it typically contains coarser particles than the soft sand you think of on the beach which is good when waves may erode the beach. We have many other products that look and feel more like the sand you think about as beach sand, similar to that on the shores of Florida. Real beach sand is a very fine silica, or quartz, sand. Beach sand can be from any source such as nearby volcanic rock, shells, or limestone.
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Calculate Your Project
Determine how much product you need for your project and submit it to us for a free estimate, including delivery costs.
Dredging projects and In-Field Mix are calculated separately.