Serving Greater Atlanta and Northeast Georgia
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Atlanta Landscape Supplies and Construction Materials
Atlanta and its metropolitan area, both inside and outside the perimeter, is River Sand, Inc.’s primary market for landscaping supplies and construction materials. River Sand has supplied quite a few of Atlanta’s more than 6 million people with sand, topsoil, and gravel over the past few decades. Our construction materials have been delivered to the contractors that have built houses, roads, buildings, and other infrastructure. However, just as many lawn enthusiasts and gardeners have requested our sand and soil for their backyard. We have multiple locations in and surrounding Atlanta to best serve you quickly and at a great value. If you are in or near Atlanta, or even throughout North Georgia, River Sand will deliver all types of sand, soil, gravel, dirt, and mulch supplies.

Tons of Sand, Soil, Gravel from the Airport to Buckhead
From the outsiders flying into Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport, Atlanta is defined by its downtown skyline with the Georgia Aquarium, Mercedes Benz Stadium, and the World of Coca-Cola. For the people living here, Atlanta is where we tell the rest of the world we live even if we are from Buckhead, Sandy Springs, Marietta, Duluth, or even as far as Buford. Fortunately, our facilities and trucks are able to provide and deliver one ton of sand or truck loads of topsoil to all of “Atlanta” whether you are downtown, uptown, or nowhere near town.

Atlanta – Topdressing, Gravel, Topsoil, Engineered Soil, and Bioretention Soil
Our Topdressing Sand has covered many lawns and landscapes of Atlanta, a quarter of an inch at a time. Our Gravel has been spread on countless driveways from Atlanta all the way up GA Hwy 400 and 129 to Blairsville. If you are looking for a raised be or you manage the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, our Topsoil has provided the nutrients for many gardens growing on top of the Georgia red clay native soil. If you are building an airport or a road, our engineered soil and bioretention soil is designed to treat its runoff. Our Arena Sand has covered horse arenas from Atlanta’s Chastain Horse Park to many other small arenas out by the barn for the casual dressage or pleasure enthusiast. Even if you are the zookeeper for Zoo Atlanta, or just a mom who feels like one, our sand may be the perfect place to let your animals play. River Sand has so many varieties and options for sand, soil, and gravel that we can help you find the material you didn’t even know that you were looking for!

Featured Project: Georgia Tech Engineered Topsoil
Everyone in Georgia knows that Georgia Tech is a known for engineering. Most people don’t know that dirt can be “engineered” though. The architects and engineers working in downtown Atlanta know that stormwater treatment and greenspace are valuable assets to a campus like Georgia Tech. One project involved stripping the contaminated soil from an existing portion of the campus and replacement with greenspace planted upon fertile soil. Engineered Soil, or Engineered Topsoil, refers to a soil that has specifications that outline its contents and the characteristics desired for a specific purpose. In this case, the plans called for a specific soil with a particular texture (% of sand, silt, and clay), infiltration rate, low pH, and high organic matter content. Also, it could not contain rocks, sticks, trash, or other debris. The combination of all the factors makes blending the soil a tedious process, especially to keep the large bulk amounts consistent and homogenous. The contractor was an elite landscaper known throughout the country that knew how to complete the work. The only question that remained was, “Where do I buy soil from in Atlanta?”, so they needed a source to buy the soil from. Fortunately, a previous client working alongside the contractor has purchased some Bio Soil for a bioretention area in Atlanta at Georgia Tech the previous year. So, this contractor knew River Sand could provide the right soil for this project as well. A few conversations later a plan was developed to blend a soil to spec. After the perfect soil sample was sent and tested in a soil lab the soil was approved for use. Over a few months, load after load of dark, rich, soil was placed into the heart of Atlanta to improve the landscape. Many people appreciate this new look but may never know how detailed dirt can be.

Featured Project: Golf Club Lake Dredging
Golf in Atlanta may not be talked about as much as football in the south, but it is played by more people here. Golf courses in and around Atlanta have some elite courses and many wonderful public courses. River Sand supplies many courses with USGA Topdressing Sand, Bunker Sand, Divot Sand, and even various shades of Green Sand. However, RSI’s dredging service is one way we help golf courses in Atlanta restore their pond or lake. RSI can remove the muck, or silt, from a pond or lake with many different methods. Removing the silt from a pond can improve the aesthetics to golfers and increase the quantity of water for irrigation to a course. One well known golf course in Atlanta needed their pond cleaned where one side had almost completely filled. The course had attempted both mechanical (digging) and hydraulic (pumping) dredging in the past with other companies. The results were ok, but it left the superintendent with much more of a mess than he wanted to deal with again trying to dispose of wet mud on the course and repair the fairway. So, River Sand designed a low-impact method to drain the upper portion of the pond, gain access to the pond with mats to prevent damage to the turf, and remove the muck to an off-site location that we provided. The silt did not have to be placed on the turf, so play could continue during the project. Sealed trucks and mats ensured that mud was not tracked on the streets or neighborhoods. The sediment was completely cleaned out of the lake in a few days, and in a few more the water refilled that portion of the lake that was previously a mud hole. The manager worked alongside with River Sand throughout the project to work around any major golfing events, to not only make sure the lake looked great but the clientele was pleased as well (at least until their next bad swing).

Featured Project: Zoo Atlanta Elephant Sand
Willie B captured the hearts of many Georgians for decades at Zoo Atlanta. Since then, Zoo Atlanta has continued to educate and entertain all ages with many more animals. A few years back, they decided to improve the elephant habitat. River Sand was contacted about a specific type of sand for the elephants. The design called for a coarse to medium grain sand that provided cushion and support for the large animals, as well as drainage for proper sanitation. We have supported farmers with specific sand for dairy bedding and equestrians for horse footing, but this was a first to make sure elephants were in good health. After reviewing a variety of options, River Sand was able to provide just the right type of sand for the new elephant habitat, and make Atlanta feel like home. Later, we were able to provide sand for a new bird sanctuary, the rhino exhibit, and even some special dirt for meercats to dig in. This project was exciting to the team at River Sand to support the conservation at an iconic Atlanta location, and the health of their animals. Not too many people end up with a zoo, but the point to consider is that if you need any type of sand near Atlanta we can supply it.

Atlanta’s Source for Sand, Soil, or Gravel
River Sand is Atlanta’s source for landscape supply and construction materials. We provide quality sand, soil, dirt, gravel, and mulch products at competitive prices. River Sand, Inc. has a professional team that can answer the most important questions including:
- What kind of soil do I need?
- How much does topsoil cost to be delivered?
- How much dirt do I need?
- What is the best sand for my project?
- Where can I buy sand or soil near Atlanta?
We have a lot of answers to these questions in our FAQ but go ahead and call us to speak with an expert and expedite your project!
If you are in or near Atlanta and need landscaping supplies or construction materials including sand, soil, gravel, dirt, or mulch give River Sand a call!

“I’ve used River Sand for years. When bidding jobs, sales always gets me a quote back quickly. Delivery is prompt, the price is always fair, and the material is high quality. Everyone in the office is super pleasant to work with. Great vendor.”
— JR Roberts
Atlanta customers, give us a call at 877-499-SAND.
Our friendly staff would be happy to answer all your questions and get you started on your next project.
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Determine how much product you need for your project and submit it to us for a free estimate, including delivery costs.
Dredging projects and In-Field Mix are calculated separately.