Bioswale Soil Mix

Bioswale Soil Mix

Bioswale Soil Mix, Enhanced Dry Swale Soil Mix, Vegetated Open Water Swale Soil, Water Quality Swale Soil Mix, Dry Swale Soil, Wet Swale Soil, Bioslope Media, Bioretention Soil Mix, Bio-Pond Soil, Bioswale Planting Media, Erosion Control Soils, GDOT Bioswale, Urban Street and Landscape Soil, Engineered Soil Media, Bioslope Media, Biosoil, Bio-pond soil, Biomix Soil, Bio-mix, GDOT Engineered Soil Mix, State DOT Soil, Planting Media, Planting Mix, Engineered Topsoil, Engineered Soil, Infiltration Trench, Sand Filter, Organic Filter, Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance, Engineered Topsoil


Bioswale, Enhanced Swale, Vegetated Open Water Swales, Water Quality Swales, Dry Swale, Wet Swale, Drainage Ditch, Bioslopes, Bioretention Basin, Bio-Ponds, Bioswale Planting Media, Rain Garden Soil, Erosion Control Soils, GDOT Bioswale, Urban Street and Landscape Soil

Key Benefits

Custom blended sand, soil, gravel, or other amendments to your soil specifications to meet project parameters such as pH, soil texture, cation exchange capacity (CEC), total suspended solids (TSS), phosphorus index (p-Index), soluble salts (SS), Infiltration (ksat in in/hr or in/day), nutrient value, metals, or other specifications; Storm water filtration and management, Improves water quality, Promotes healthy plant growth for nutrient update; Decreases compaction; Removes pollutants; Retains water and nutrients for plants


Screened, blended to meet any infiltration rate (saturated hydraulic conductivity, kSat) or percolation rate, Ideal organic matter content; High CEC (cation exchange capacity); USDA soil class texture; Adjusted pH for specific plant species; All-natural soil with no chemicals or pesticides added unless specified

Bioswale Soil Mix

What is a bioswale? How is a bioswale system designed and what are the benefits of a bioswale?

Bioswales are engineered systems used to concentrate and convey stormwater while at the same time allowing a portion of the water to be treated to remove contaminants and provide retention of the water to be infiltrated back into the groundwater.  Bioswales are a best management practice (BMP) designed to improve water quality and reduce the runoff from impervious surfaces.  Bioswale design is typically a long, narrow channel or shallow drainage ditch that slows stormwater runoff down, using berms or check dams.  This bioswale design helps in remove particulates including silt, oil, metals, nutrients from the water and allows infiltration of a portion of the runoff as well.

Bioswales are engineered systems used to concentrate and convey stormwater while at the same time allowing a portion of the water to be treated to remove contaminants and provide retention of the water to be infiltrated back into the groundwater. Bioswales are a best management practice (BMP) designed to improve water quality and reduce the runoff from impervious surfaces. Bioswale design is typically a long, narrow channel or shallow drainage ditch that slows stormwater runoff down, using berms or check dams. This bioswale design helps in remove particulates including silt, oil, metals, nutrients from the water and allows infiltration of a portion of the runoff as well.

What is a bioswale

Where are bioswales located?

Bioswales are usually found beside a street, roadway, parking lot, cul-de-sac, building, or other runoff producing surface with low to medium density. They are linear in shape and often follow the natural topography to fit within a landscape, being careful to not be placed at too steep of a slope. Wet swales are a better option for areas with a high seasonal water table, or a water table near the surface. Both Dry and Wet Swales must be able to limit stormwater runoff to keep it within non-erosive velocities (1-2% range with vertical drops if necessary).

What is Bioswale Soil Mix or Enhanced Swale Soil Mix?

Bioswale Soil Mix for enhanced swales is a blend of sand, soil, and compost that allows for ideal infiltration and permeability rates, optimal pH, soil texture, organic content, nutrient levels, salinity, toxicity, and minerals. The sand gradation is typically the highest content and composed of a well-graded, silica, sub-angular, medium to coarse sand. The sand is both screened and washed as well. The topsoil component is classified by USDA Soil Texture class and optimized for pH and organic matter content. The Topsoil follows the requirements as outlined by ASTM D5268. The compost component is a mature, stable compost with high organic matter content. Bioswale soil mix with an ideal organic content is one of the best methods to remove pollutants and filter runoff. The Enhanced Swale Soil Mix is screened thoroughly blended to be stockpiled and delivered in bulk to your project.

How much does Bioswale Soil Mix cost? What is the price of Enhanced Soil Mix?

The price of Bioswale Soil Mix and Enhanced Swale Mix can be sold by the ton or cubic yard. The cost varies based on the percentages of the components blended and the location of the project. We have locations throughout Atlanta, and have performed many of these type of projects near Athens, Gainesville, Alpharetta, Stockbridge, Cumming, and Marietta. The cost per ton of Bioswale Soil Mix is based on a weighted scale ticket in comparison to the cost per cubic yard of Bioswale Soil Mix that is measured by the loader bucket. The primary factor involved in determining the cost of our Bioswale Soil Mix are the components that make up the mix design. The sand used can vary in cost from $10 to $35 per ton depending on the type of sand that is needed to meet the specs. The topsoil price follows about the same cost range. The compost or mulch, if necessary, averages between $10 and $50 per cubic yard. The other amendments including expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, fertilizer, lime, and others are often very expensive by the pound (lbs) but are sometimes necessary to complete the soil blend. Therefore, the cost or price of the bioswale soil media varies based on project specifications provided by the engineer. Blending costs and any necessary laboratory analysis are also factored in the total cost of the product. Call RSI to get an accurate quote for Bioswale Soil Mix.

We Deliver!

River Sand, Inc. is your bulk landscaping supplier and source for construction materials including sand, soil, and gravel. Call today for a quote and to schedule delivery for your enhanced swale soil media.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about Bioswale Soil Mix? We have answers!

A bioswale is an oversized ditch where the bottom portion is filled with soil that allows a portion of the water to absorb or infiltrate into the soil downward.  It helps filter runoff to improve its quality and reduces the amount of stormwater runoff.  The benefit of bioswales is that they still convey the water from a road, building, or other impervious surface to a stream or lake but at the same time it can treat a portion of the water to improve its quality.  Bioswales are typically planted or sodded to prevent erosion within the channel as well. 

There are many soil and sand producers/suppliers across the US.  Companies like River Sand, Inc. can blend soil for bioswales to meet specifications for projects.  Typically, they have their own soil lab or send the bioswale soil mix for testing to ensure it meets the requirements for a project.  Delivery is typically done in dump trucks as loose, bulk soil.  Be sure to have a proper location to store the soil mix so that no contaminates (other dirt or rocks) are mixed with the soil prior to installation (if it is not being dumped directly into the bioswale). 

The bioswale is the actual ditch that conveys the water while at the same time allowing a portion of the water to infiltrate into the soil.  The rain garden is an area designed to infiltrate the water into the soil.  Both are very similar and function in the same manner.  Both can have the same plants and soil mix installed. 

Most bioswales are hard to spot without knowing that they are present.  Bioswales really look like another ditch or depression but most are landscaped nicely.  Sometimes a sign will be present to prevent damage or mowing of the plants.  Many bioswales look like a really well landscaped dry swale or ditch along parking lots or roads. 

Bioswales are designed to decrease the rate and quantity at which water runs off from an area.  So, yes they are effective at reducing the risk of flooding but not completely eliminating flooding. 

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Dredging projects and In-Field Mix are calculated separately.

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