Frequently Asked Questions
Some sludge and muck can be used as a soil amendment to be used as fill or land applied. Most sludge containing biosolids with levels of bacteria or metals must be taken to an approved landfill.
Most structural soil is used along sidewalks and roadsides for planting trees. The structural soil is placed in a specified area for each tree to encourage root growth within the cell, and not outside the cell which will lead to concrete/asphalt cracking or damage. Healthy trees are able to grow and add long-term benefit to an urban landscape without creating safety issues from cracked pavement for pedestrians and vehicles.
Individuals and contractors can submit the paperwork to obtain permits for dredging. However, unless you are performing the work yourself it will be advantageous to have a an engineer, environmental consultant, or dredging contractor submit the plans and permits. River Sand, Inc. can plan the entire dredging process and obtain the necessary permits for a project. Often permitting can become more complicated than necessary based on the methods or descriptions of work without the right experience.
Ellicot and Liquid Waste Technologies (LWT), DSC, Geoform International are some of the US portable dredge manufacturers. River Sand, Inc. has dredges made by these companies and manufactures custom dredges as well.
There are limited dredging contractors in Atlanta and the surrounding area in Georgia with the experience and equipment available to dredge. Local (cities/counties), State, and Federal (USACE and TVA) typically do not help you with dredging costs or planning. They are regulators and provide necessary permits. Very few engineers and architects have experience with dredging projects as well. River Sand is the most equipped and experienced dredging contractor based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dredging is the only practical solution for removing accumulated sediment from reservoirs. Large reservoirs cannot be flushed and sediment does not disappear on its on. Over time sediment in reservoirs causes loss of storage capacity, diminishing recreational opportunities, decreased aquatic habitat, poor water quality (leading to eutrophication), and loss of property values. Dredging can help solve the issues related to sedimentation.
Dewatering sludge can lead to reduce transport costs, reduced volume of sludge, reduced tip fees associated with weight, and ability to dispose of the sludge. Hauling sludge with a high water content can be expensive because of the portion of water. Sludge often has to pass a paint filter test to be suitable for disposal in a land fill.
Divots are holes creating from the golf club removing a portion of the turf. Sand placed back in the divot levels the surface back so the turf can grow back into place. If it is not filled the hole will remain as the turf grows back but it may cause inconsistent areas of play and unhealthy turf from uneven cuts with the mower. So, sand helps repair the turf for better play and better turf health.
Dredging inland lakes is not bad. It is actually beneficial to the environment. Dredging often has a bad reputation from past practices done to drain beneficial wetlands, create beaches, or improve navigation. However, as man-made lakes dammed decades ago fill with sediment the impacts on water quality and quantity are immense. Sediment eliminates natural habitat as it fills areas with lakes and stream beds. Along with sediment, nutrients are transported, retained, and then released during certain conditions. Eutrophication is evidence of this process. Removing the sediment that will never move out of a lake by dredging is a method that reduces the impact of sediment and the nutrients attached to it. Dredging restores the water depth for storage (hydropower and drinking water sources) to prevent drought issues both in the lake and downstream. Dredging removes phosphorus from the water preventing harmful algae blooms. Dredging improves recreational activities along with safety. Dredging removes fine sediment and leaves coarse sediment or cobble and other large woody debris that is suitable for fish and other macroinvertebrates habitat and spawning. So, just remember dredging is not always bad when done with the right purpose!
Green Roof Soil Mix is a type of engineered soil. Engineered soils are a soil that is specifically blended with different types of soil components (i.e. lightweight aggregate and compost) to achieve certain soil characteristics such as infiltration, pH, or organic matter content.
Calculate Your Project
Determine how much product you need for your project and submit it to us for a free estimate, including delivery costs.
Dredging projects and In-Field Mix are calculated separately.