Frequently Asked Questions
Topdressing is the primary method to obtain smooth, firm greens. Light and frequent topdressing is the key with ultradwarf bermuda turf. Light, weekly topdressing 0.01 to 0.02 inches is ideal. Overall, a topdressing application of 2 to 4 times a month during the growing season is expected.
Topdressing bermuda greens is generally done in light and frequent applications. Many superintendents still follow the practice to topdress with the same sand as the green was built with. Others prefer a sand with the particles all being less than 1mm and the majority from 0.25mm to 0.5mm. The primary issue is getting the oversized sand particles through the turf canopy. Recent USGA research has found that topdressing with a less coarse sand is not an issue and layering will not occur with a different sand. The primary issue is topdressing with sand that contains more than 25% fine particles (0.15 to 0.25mm) which may lead to excessive moisture at the surface of the greens. River Sand has an ideal sand for topdressing miniverde, champion, TifDwarf, or other varieties of bermuda.
Calculate Your Project
Determine how much product you need for your project and submit it to us for a free estimate, including delivery costs.
Dredging projects and In-Field Mix are calculated separately.