Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, and you can save money too!  River Sand, Inc. supplies bulk, loose soil conditioner by the cubic yard.  You can have a dump truck load delivered to your home or project in Atlanta or the surrounding areas throughout Georgia. 

Like compost, soil conditioners are best used as an amendment to the soil and not along for planting.  The high organic matter content works best when combined with topsoil or native soil. 

Absolutely!  Improving soil structure with organic matter may take time as your plants grow, but the immediate loosening of the soil and addition of organic matter can help retain moisture and nutrients to help your plants become established.  If you have a red clay soil, you should consider adding a soil conditioner to improve it and your plants. 

Soil conditioner is a soil amendment or additive to help a soil improve its ability to grow plants.  Soil conditioners are designed to improve soil structure by increasing porosity and water holding capacity while decreasing compaction.  A soil conditioner’s ability to reduce compaction leads to deeper, healthier roots. 

Most soil conditioners have a high organic matter content consisting of pine fines and other finely mulched organic material.  Manure, lime, and sand may be added for additional benefits.  Compost is another component and can be in the form of composted mulch along with manure products. 

Soil conditioner is best applied to a lawn prior to seeding or sodding and tilled into the existing soil.  In gardens, soil conditioner is best to be tilled in to the soil in fall after vegetables or flowers are done growing or prior to planting in the spring.  You may notice your soil has a high clay content and tends to compact making rain run off from the surface instead of moving into the soil. Soil conditioner will help loosen and aerate the soil. 

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