Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can use masonry sand for a beach, but it may not be the best sand for your beach.  Masonry sand is fine in texture and light in color, so it feels and looks like the beach sand you expect.  However, RSI offers a few other types of sands that are whiter in color that give you a better look.  We also offer a sand with a different particle size that helps keep you sand on the beach if there is a lot of slope or wave action.

Masonry sand can be used to level and topdress your grass or lawn.  However, Topdressing Sand is specifically designed for this purpose.  The difference is that topdressing contains more medium sized particles ideal for relieving compaction of clay soils, reducing thatch, and leveling without the sand shifting.  It is also easy to apply and to incorporate into the rootzone.  Overall, your turf will benefit more from topdressing sand than masonry sand for about the same cost.

Masonry sand can be used for volleyball courts.  Many masonry sands contain fine particles that tend to stick to players and also compacts too hard for optimal play over time.

Yes, masonry sand is a washed sand.  Washed sand refers to a process that sand is agitated in water to help “wash” or remove the fine clay and silt particles from the sand.  Sand that has not been washed will not bind well to the cement in mortar mixes, and creates weak joints.

Masonry (masonary or mason) Sand is a fine, screened, washed, sand used in mortar for bricks, blocks, and beneath pavers.  It is commonly used for other applications such as play sand (sandboxes), beach sand, volleyball sand, topdressing and other landscaping/construction projects.  However, there are other sands specifically designed for each of these uses that have better characteritics than masonry sand.  Masonry Sand was designed for brick mortar, and some of it can meet ASTM c-144 requirements.  Overall, it is a fine textured, soft feel, light colored sand.

Masonry Sand is designed for mortar mix to join bricks and blocks together.  It is also works great as a paver base.  It can vary in gradation but the fine texture allows for a smooth finish in mortar.  However, because of its availability at local construction and landscape supply yards it has become a popular alternative for many other uses.  It can be used as a play sand, topdressing sand, beach sand, volleyball sand, underlayment, and landscaping sand.  Masonry Sand can be a good fit for many of these uses but RSI has other sands specifically designed for each purpose.  So, you can choose what sand is right for your specific project.

The most obvious difference is the place you put it, and the size of the people that use it.  Masonry Sand can be used for play sand.  However, play sand does not conform to any specifications, like ASTM c-144, for mason sand.  Both are very similar and often come from the same source.  Occasionally, mason sand can come from a source that is crushed granite and would not be suitable for play sand.  RSI has a preferred sand that is washed to remove a few more fine particles in Play Sand to keep it slightly cleaner than our standard masonry sand. 

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