Dredging Services
- Bathymetric surveying is the measurement of the depth of water in a lake
- State waters are any waterway not confined to a single property
- 1 cubic yard of soil weighs about 2,700 pounds
River Sand, Inc. offers turn-key dredging services. Clients often approach us first to determine if a dredging project is feasible and provide an anticipated cost structure for dredging. 95% of our new clients have never actually seen a dredge before or know how a dredge works. A few repeat clients and those in the industry know a lot more but may need options. We are happy to take a project from start to finish, bid a dredging project to only perform the work, sub-contract a portion of the work, perform a survey, obtain permits, or whatever portion a client may need.
The following are services related to dredging that River Sand offers.
Dredging is not a project type that many owners or engineers regularly plan or encounter. The aspects of dredging require experience to be efficient and effective. The team at River Sand often advise engineers and operators design their plan. River Sand also offer consultant services as a professional witness in court or law case related to sediment, erosion, and dredging projects. Many times, lawyers and their clients need advice to interpret sediment survey results, take and analyze core samples, provide cost estimates, and design contract contents for remediating an impacted waterbody. River Sand are experts in this industry, and even better we know other experts across the country that we utilize as a valuable resource when needed.
Many common factors must be considered before finalizing your plan to remove sand, silt, muck, or sludge from your waterbody. Some of these factors include:
- Access for equipment
- Type of dredging equipment
- Distance and change in elevation (vertical head) to dewatering or disposal area
- Sediment or sludge type
- Sediment, muck, sludge volume, density, location, and depth
- Potential dewatering techiques
- Disposal options for sediment, sludge, or muck
River Sand can help you designing a plan that works and is cost effective.
Surveying or mapping can provide invaluable information for planning and performing a dredging project. Bathymetric surveying is mapping of the topography underwater. A sediment survey can include sediment depth, type, location, and volume(s) within an area as well. River Sand can provide your lake, pond, or lagoon surveying and mapping. Initially estimations of sediment type and volume may be adequate for planning and budgeting, but before a project begins enough data must be compiled to accurately assess the scope of work and associated costs. River Sand has a full range of survey equipment and processing software to provide you with results that are necessary within a reasonable range of cost.
One of the most asked questions about dredging is what permits are required. Permitting for dredging is sometimes a complicated issue but at the same time one of the most important parts of the process. Water and the surrounding land are often regulated by many entities with different aspects of regulation. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is one of the primary regulatory agencies and resources for permits related to dredging. The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) provided must of the framework under the Section 404 of the Clean Waters Act, along with Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Multiple state agencies are involved in further regulation of state waters, buffers, and land disturbing activity. Finally, the local issuing authority may be responsible for certain activities within a dredging project, such as issuing a land disturbance permit. Even with all the regulation, many projects contain exemptions for certain activities based on the type of project and method the dredging takes place. With all this in mind, it provides a basis for why River Sand is asked so many questions about permitting. We can provide answers to most of the permitting questions about dredging whether you are a homeowner, farmer, energy producer, water or wastewater treatment operator, or engineer designing a project.
Dredges for sale? Yes, River Sand builds, uses, rents, and sells dredges. We have our own fabrication facility that has grown out of necessity to support our dredging market. We have suppliers for parts, engines, metal, and services available. Many of our dredges are custom built with the ideal parameters including pump type or curve, power unit, accessories, and draft of the dredge. River Sand still uses and includes in our fleet the major portable dredge manufacturers in the world such as Ellicot, Mudcat or Liquid Waste Technology, Dredge Supply Company (DSC), and even Geoform International’s Dino dredge. Hydraulic dredge sizes includes 6”, 8”, 10”, and 12”. River Sand also manufacturers small hopper barges, push boats, and amphibious excavators.
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Estimate Your Dredging Project
Other projects and In-Field Mix are calculated separately.